    // PortletSession Impl: Attributes —————————————–
    public Object getAttribute(String name) {
        return getAttribute(name, DEFAULT_SCOPE);
     * Returns the attribute of the specified name under the given scope.
     * @param name  the attribute name.
     * @param scope  the scope under which the attribute object is stored.
     * @return the attribute object.
    public Object getAttribute(String name, int scope) {
        ArgumentUtility.validateNotNull("attributeName", name);
        String key = (scope == PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE)
                ? name : createPortletScopedId(name);
        return httpSession.getAttribute(key);

但是当我把pluto集成到我们的应用里面的时候,问题就来了,用户登录后,访问其它的页面和访问portlet的页面的时候的session id是不同的,历经磨难,找到一些前人的文章:

From testing with Jetspeed/Pluto on Tomcat 5.0 and the default configuration of 5.5, servlets accessed directly do not share the portlet session. In Tomcat 5.5 configured with emptySessionPath="true", behaviour is correct as described in the portlet specification.

So, to summarize what I’ve learned, if you need to pass session objects from a portlet to a servlet using Pluto as your servlet container, the following three conditions must all be true:

  1. You must run Tomcat 5.5.x, or later.
  2. You must set crossContext="true" in your web app’s element.
  3. You must set emptySessionPath="true" in the element in Tomcat’s server.xml file.

If you omit any one of these three steps, it won’t work.


集成中的问题是我犯了一个错误,我在获取HttpSession中的属性的时候忘了应该使用APPLICATION_SCOPE,而不同的session id是因为我的另外的代码导致的(我写了一个Bridge类去获得Struts的Action的执行结果并输出,在Bridge中的请求相当于另外一个客户端)。
从Portlet中,使用RenderRequest..getPortletSession().getAttribute("xxxx", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE)就可以拿到其它的普通servlet和jsp中设置的值了。