下面是全部的类和主要的方法,其他的方法都忽略了,可以到Google Code下载全部的源代码。
* Search info needed by client, only provide additional conditions and sorts.
public class SearchInfo implements Serializable
* Additional conditions for some query info provided by service.
private List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<Condition>();
* Sort info.
private List<Sort> sorts = new ArrayList<Sort>();
* Page size.
private int pageSize = Constants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
* First return row.
private int firstRow;
* Whether need return total rows.
private boolean getTotalRows;
* All query info needed to construct a QL string.
public class QueryInfo extends SearchInfo implements Serializable
public static final String COUNT_COLUMN = "totalrows";
* Select fields.
private List<Field> selects = new ArrayList<Field>();
* From tagets.
private List<From> froms = new ArrayList<From>();
* Group by fields.
private List<Field> groupBys = new ArrayList<Field>();
* Having conditions.
private List<Condition> havings = new ArrayList<Condition>();
* Native hints.
private List<String> hints = new ArrayList<String>();
* Fetch size.
private int fetchSize;
* Search result by search info.
public class SearchResult
* Total rows matched, if search info do not let get total rows, it will return -1.
private int totalRows=-1;
* Indicate if any more matched result can be returned
private boolean hasMore;
* Page result only.
private List pageResult = new ArrayList();
* Search condition, used in where and having part of QL.
public class Condition implements Serializable
* Condtion field, can be null, for example, for not, and and or Condition.
private Field field;
* Operator.
private Operator operator;
* Condition value.
private Object value;
* Query field, used in select, condition, sort, having and sort part of QL.
public class Field implements Serializable
* From target of field.
private From from;
* Field name.
private String name;
* Aggregation function.
private Function function;
* Filed alias, especially needed when Function is not null.
private String alias;
* Query target, used in from part of QL, Field also need reference to it.
public class From implements Serializable
public static final Class DIRECT_TABLE_CLASS= DirectTable.class;
private static final String DIRECT_TABLE_SEPERATOR=" ";
* Model class type. If is direct table
private Class target;
* Alias for model class or table.
private String alias;
* Aggregation function.
public enum Function implements Serializable
* Operator for condition
public enum Operator implements Serializable
equal("="), notEqual("!="), like("like"), isNull("is null"),
isNotNull("is not null"), greater(">"), greaterOrEqual(">="),
less("<"), lessOrEqual("<="), in("in"), and("and"),
or("or"), not("not");
private final String value;
Operator(String value)
this.value = value;
public String toString()
return value;
* Sort info, used in sort part of QL.
public class Sort implements Serializable
* Sort field.
private Field field;
* Sort order.
private boolean asc;